5 English Language Learning Method Type Rated Di Among Teachers.

5 English Language Learning Method Type Rated Di Among Teachers. 
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In: OtherHome> Other> 5 Types of English Language Learning Method Terpopular Di Among Teachers.5 Types of English Language Learning Method Terpopular Di Among Teachers.In the world of education is important because learning methods to improve student learning outcomes. Teach a foreign language as target language is a challenge, especially for a teacher. As we all know, that the foreign language is now largely taught in every Indonesian schools is English.On this occasion, the author will discuss about some of the methods in the teaching of English. But before what was the method of learning? Well, good readers method is a way. In addition there is another sense that states that the method of learning is the way that teachers use to make it easier to convey the material to achieve the goal. Below are some methods in learning:Learning model

1. Grammar Translation Method (GTM)This method involves the method of learning grammar Latin and Greek. GTM method used to speak, read and write Latin. This method is divided into two parts: first, the rules and the model pattern. Second, a sentence to be translated into and from the target language. These methods include learning the rules of grammar, grammatical word learning, and learning to use rule (formula) in interpreting the sentence. This method is used by the United States in 1890. In this method the target language vocabulary, learned through a direct translation from the original language. Then the translation discussed.The virtue of this method is to focus on the translation of grammatical forms, and memorizing vocabulary. Then the lesson that way is very simple. This method simply combining learning activities grammar and translation. The result is language learners are not able to use the target language to communicate.

 2. Audio-Lingual Method (ALL)This method was introduced in the United States in 1940. Although this method is considered to be very old, but many teachers are still using this method. In technically, this method is supported by tools related machinery such as a tape recorder and a language laboratory.Audio Lingual Method in this language learners are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for effective communication in a foreign language. Then the language learners are also required to understand the language and culture of a foreign people whose language they are learning. Initially this method was introduced to prepare people to be an expert or master a foreign language orally in a fast time and language are emphasized, namely short, especially in the language in oral form. This method assumes that speaking and listening are the main chance, then reading and writing into the second. 

3. Silent WaySilent way is the name of language learning method invented by Caleb Cattegno. This method uses a rod or map numbers in learning. In this method the language rule is its relatively fewer teachers so that learners (students) it became more active in generating language.Teachers only serves as a guide, source and appraisers. Language learners are usually accustomed to befikir concept before the language is spoken. They must understand what they will say before they say it. The first understanding, then speak. 
4. Community Language Learning (CLL)The name of this method was introduced and developed by Charles A. Currandan and colleagues. Curran is a specialist in Counseling and a Professor at the University of Chicago Loyoya. This method is also called the learning counseling. Community language learning using the theory pembelajarn attend counseling to teach a foreign language.The term counseling itself refers to the relationship between counselor and client. In this method the teacher as a counselor and students as clients. CLL is the view that the language learner is the entirety of self psychology of someone who covers among others emotions and feelings.English teacher used to adjust to the conditions and circumstances in which the language learner to learn a foreign language. Then learning how to deploy vary by culture, skill level, and the state of the classrooms. 
5. Total Physical Response (TPR)Total Physical Response is one of the methods developed by James J. Ashers, a professor of psychology at the University at Santa Jose, California. Dr. Ashers start percobaanya of developmental psychology, learning theory and language learning procedures. The opposite of the previous method, if the TPR is believed that the learner must understand the language of the target or targets before speaking. Language learner can learn through the act of observation itself. By observation and appearance, they will understand the language being studied. They will also understand the language of view and hear the action. In this TPR teachers will practice what will be taught. For example: when teaching he would touch her nose.This method can be used in teaching children and adults. Which form the basis for this method is happiness makes learners interested in the English language.Hopefully the discussion above may be useful to readers.
