National Security - Definition, Functions, & Objectives

National Security - Definition, Functions, & ObjectivesPosted by Juan DynashMaterial national resilience, definition, development, manifestation, principle, properties, functions, etc.We are all aware that every nation has the noble ideals and beautiful to achieve. People say that the ideals to be achieved by a nation has a function as a determinant of national purpose. Normally in an effort to achieve this objective, the concerned nations face challenges, threats, obstacles and interference that constantly need to be addressed or mitigated. Therefore, a nation must have the ability, strength, toughness and ductility. Generally, this is called the national defense, which can also be referred to as the resilience of nations (Suhady and Sinaga, 2006).Understanding the dynamics of national security is a condition, which is a nation that contains ductility and toughness are able to develop resistance, National Strength in the face and overcome any challenges, obstacles and threats that come from within and from outside. Also directly or indirectly that could jeopardize the integrity, identity and survival of the nation and the state.National resilience necessary in order to guarantee the existence of the nation and the state of all disturbances that come both from within and from within the country. For the Indonesian people should still have the tenacity and toughness that need to be nurtured consistently and continuously.1) Purpose and Function of National DefenseSrijanti, et al (2009) explain the purpose, function, and the nature of the national defense as follows:a) The purpose of National SecurityNational resilience needed to support the success of the main tasks of government, such as the enforcement of law and order, the realization of welfare and prosperity, the implementation of defense and security, realization of legal justice and social justice, and also many people the opportunity to actualize themselves.b) National Security FunctionsNational defense has a function as:(1). Deterrent power, in his capacity as the conception of deterrence, national security Indonesia intended to counter all forms of threats, interference, obstacles, and challenges to the identity, integrity, existence of the nation and state of Indonesia in the aspects: ideological, political, economic, social, cultural, and defense security.(2). Steering for the development of the potential power of the nation in the field of ideology, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security in order to reach people's welfare.(3). Steering in uniting mindset, actions, and how intersektor, intersectoral and multidisciplinary. How this work is then translated into the government-initiated CPR that includes policies and development strategies in every sector to achieve national objectives to realize the just and prosperous society.2) Embodiment of National DefenseEmbodiment of National Defense developed nation Indonesia include (Material Upgrading, BP7 Center, 1996):a) Resilience ideology, is the mental state of Indonesia which is based on belief in the truth of the ideology of Pancasila which contains the ability to raise and maintain national unity and the ability to counteract the penetration of alien ideologies and values ​​that are inconsistent with the national identity.b) political resistance, is the condition of the nation's political life of Indonesia based democracy that rests on democratic development Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which contains the capability to maintain a healthy political stability and dynamic as well as the ability to apply an independent foreign policy is active.c) economic resilience, is the living conditions of the nation's economy of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which contains the ability to apply sound economic stability and dynamic as well as the ability to create economic independence national with high competitiveness and prosperity of the people fair and prosperous. d) Resilience socio-cultural, is a condition of social and cultural life of the nation Indonesia animating national identity based on Pancasila having the capability to form and develop the social and cultural life of man and society Indonesia is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, live in harmony, unity, love of country water, quality, progress and prosperity in a life of harmony, harmony and balance as well as the ability to counteract the penetration of foreign culture that does not comply with the national culture.e) Resistance of defense and security, is the deterrent power of the Indonesian nation state based on an awareness of all the people to defend the country having the capability to maintain the stability of the defense and security of dynamic state, securing development and results and the ability to maintain the sovereignty of the State and counteracting all forms of threats.3) Characteristics and principles of national securityNational resistance developed nation Indonesia rests on the culture of Indonesian people so that various characteristics developed for national security can not be separated from the livelihood of the Indonesian nation (Suhady and Sinaga, 2006).a) National Security Feature(1). National defense is the main prerequisite for a nation that is building towards a developed nation and the independent spirit knows no surrender will give new impetus and stimulus to do to address the challenges, obstacles and interference arising.(2). Towards maintaining viability. The new Indonesian nation to establish itself can not be separated from achieving the goal dicitacitakan.(3). National resilience is manifested as a dynamic state of Indonesia which contains ductility and toughness of the nation to develop the strength to make the characteristics of developing national resilience by love for the motherland, loyal to the struggle, tenacious in a business that is based on faith and belief in God Almighty, tenacity and toughness in accordance with the changes facing as a result of the dynamics of the struggle, both in relationships between nations and within the framework of fostering unity andDefinition & Meaning Definition of National Defense Nations Country Indonesia1, national defensependahulua CHAPTER 1Understanding the dynamics of national security is a condition, which is a nation that contains ductility and toughness are able to develop resistance, National Strength in the face and overcome any challenges, obstacles and threats that come from within and from outside. Also directly or indirectly that could jeopardize the integrity, identity and survival of the nation and the state.In the struggle for the ideals / national goals Indonesian nation is not protected from various threats that sometimes endanger his safety. The way in order to face these threats, the Indonesian nation must have the ability, toughness, and durability is called national security.Conditions or situations and can also be said of our nation's sikon always changing is not static. Threats facing is not the same, either kind or magnitude. Because the national security must always be nurtured and improved, in accordance with the conditions and the threat to be faced. And this is called the dynamic nature of the national security.Said national defense has often we hear of going to press or other sources. Perhaps also we have obtained the picture.To determine the national resilience, earlier we already know the meaning of the archipelago insight. National defense is a dynamic condition possessed of a nation, in which there are ductility and toughness are able to develop a national power.This strength is needed to overcome all kinds of threats, challenges, obstacles and interference directly or indirectly endanger the unity, the existence and survival of the nation and the state. It could be that these threats from within or from outside. CHAPTER II.INDONESIAN NATIONAL RESILIENCE1. Development of National DefenseToday the term national security is already known throughout Indonesia. It could be argued that the term has belonged nasianal. The new National Security known since the beginning of the 60's. At that time the term was not yet given a specific devenisi. Besides, it has not been well prepared thoroughly complete conception of national security. The term national security at the time it was used in the context of the discussion of coaching ter itorial or issues of defense and security in general.Although many institutions and individuals at that time used the term national security, but the institution seriously and continually learn about and discuss national security issues is an institution of national defense or lemhanas. Since Defense was established in 1965, the national security issues always get the most attention.Since the start by discussing national security issues until now, it has produced the first three konsepsi.Pengertian or devenisi Defense, called the concept of 1968 was as follows:National defense is our tenacity and endurance in the face of all the forces of good that comes from outside and from within that is directly or indirectly endanger the survival of the State and the nation of Indonesia.The second notion of Defense called the national security conception in 1969 is a refinement of the first konspsi namely:National defense is the tenacity and endurance of a nation having the capability to develop a national force in the face of all threats coming from outside or from the inside that directly or indirectly endanger the survival of the State of Indonesia.National defense is kodisi dynamic nation, shows the tenacity and ketangguahan, having the capability to develop a national force, in the face in the face and fill all the challenges, threats, obstacles, as well as a nice distraction coming from outside or from within, the direct or indirect harm integrity, identity, survival of the nation and country and to pursue the struggle of the national struggle.If we compare it with the foregoing, it would appear to be differences among others, as follows:a. 1972 formulation is universal, in the sense that these formulations can be applied in other countries, especially in countries that are developing.b. No longer sought the presence of a devenisi, instead defined what is meant by the term national security.c. If the first national resilience identikkan with tenacity and durability, then the national security is a dynamic condition which contains ductility and toughness, which means that the condition can be changed.d. The complete listed challenges, threats, obstacles and distractions.e. Survival is broken down into integrity, identity, and survival.In the state address the Indonesian President General Suharto in front siding DPR dated August 16, 1975, said that the resilience nsional is the level of state and ductility and toughness that Indonesia in collecting and directing seriousness national capabilities exist so that a national force capable and able to cope with any threat d an keutuhanan and personality challenges to the nation and maintain the continuity of life dabn his ideals.Because the state is always evolving and dangers and challenges are always changing, then the national security should also be developed and nurtured in order to adequately with the development of the situation. Because of the national resistance was bersift dynamic, not static.Endeavor to realize strong national defense is not new for us hl. Tetapiu development and improvement in accordance with the needs and capabilities are tersedi fasililitas anyway.Development of national security we do dipelgai areas: ideology, poluitik, economic, social, cultural and defense, either simultaneously or according to the priority of our needs.2. Embodiments of the Indonesian National Resilience dalan TrigartaTo give a general idea of ​​Indonesia, let us membahasas dar first terms of the aspects of natural or Trigatra to start reviewing:a. Aspects of the location and position of Regional Geographic IndonesiaIf we look at the geographical location of Indonesia on the world map, it will be apparent that the Country's territory is an archipelago, which according to form into, consisting of water area with thousands of islands therein. Which is in a foreign language can be called as a kelvar archipelago, the islands are an archipelago located between Asia on the north and south side of the Australian continent and ocean Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean on the west side of timr.Related geographical location between two continents and oceans are important, it is said that Indonesia has a geographical position amid the world cross the road traffic. Because yagn strategic position, it is considered from three aspects of the livelihoods of political, economic and socio-cultural Indonesia has had many meetings with the influence of outsiders (acculturation).According to Indonesia's record consists of sea area with 13 667 large and small islands, of which an estimated 3,000 islands experienced by the population.Size islands diperkirakn 735,000 square miles, an area sedangkn waters are estimated at 3 to 4 times the area of ​​land (islands). The dista
