the origin of the Indonesian Nation

                         the origin of the Indonesian Nation

Who is the real nation of Indonesia? There are many ways / versions to explain the answer to this question. Of all the versions, keseluruhannnya argue the same if the ancestor of Indonesian people who now inhabit the archipelago is a nation of immigrants. Archeology and genetics research provides strong evidence if the Indonesian Nation ancestors migrated from Asia to South Asia region. Indonesian society probably are not aware of when the differences in skin color, ethnicity, or language does not hide the fact that a nation has the same clump, the Austronesian family. If you look at the record of research and scientific study of the origins of a nation, if the Indonesian people realize if they come from (offspring) from the same ancestor (one family)?Topics in this article previously had often discussed in the print and electronic media, including also written by some bloggers. Unfortunately, in every writing does not give any confirmation but just general information. In principle, by tracing the origins of a nation, at least it will be known illustration of thinking, understanding, or assumptions about the attitude of a nation.Tracing the origins of a nation require more than a field of anthropology, but has entered into the realm of the science of genetics. At first, penelurusuran only based on archaeological evidence and patterns of narrative language. The latest finding is surprising because it changed the whole facts of the past if during the Indonesian Nation ancestors did not come from Yunan.Early Theories About YunanEarly theories amid the origins of the Indonesian nation was stated by the ancient historian and archaeologist from Austria, namely Robern Barron von Heine Geldern or better known as von Heine Geldern (1885-1968). Based on in-depth studies on the megalithic cultures in Southeast Asia and some parts of the Pacific region in the past concluded that there has been a displacement (migration) in waves from northern Asia to the southern part of Asia. They then inhabited the region in the form of islands stretching from Madagascar (Africa) to Easter Island (Chile), Taiwan, and New Zealand, hereinafter the region called cultured Austronesian region. Theories about the Austronesian culture and the Neolithic is a very popular among anthropologists to explain the mysteries of the migration of nations in the Neolithic period (2000 BC to 200 BC).Von Heine Geldern theories on the Austronesian culture inspires thoughts of a clump of Yunnan (China) that goes to South Asia to Australia. One of them is also the underlying idea when the Indonesian Nation ancestors came from Yunan. This theory is still very weak (less accurate) because it is based on evidence of physical similarities such as the findings of archaeological objects or megalithic culture. This theory is also very easy to be debated after the discovery of the records in Borneo (Kalimantan), North Sulawesi and Sumatra conflicting theories Out of Yunan. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of basic education in Indonesia that still retain the principle of 'Out of Yunan'.Linguistic theoryTheories about the origin of the Indonesian nation then grounded in the study of linguistics. From the overall language used tribes in the archipelago have the same family, namely rumun Austronesian. The roots of all branches of the language used ancestors who settled in the archipelago comes from the Austronesian family in Formosa or clumps known as Taiwan. Linguistic theory opens new thinking about the historical origins of the Nation Indonsia called a 'Out of Taiwan'. This theory was proposed by Harry Truman Simanjuntak, hereinafter fundamental modern theory on the origins of the Indonesian nation.In principle, according to linguistic science approach, the origins of a nation can be traced through the distribution patterns of the language. Approach to linguistic facts support the spread of the Austronesian family of nations. The term actually refers to the Austronesian language speakers sense. Archaeological evidence to explain if the existence Islands Austronesian peoples in Formosa (Taiwan) has existed since 6000 years ago. From this Formosa islands later Austronesian peoples spread to the Philippines, Indonesia, Madagascar (Africa), to the Pacific region. Nevertheless, the approach of linguistics is still not able to answer the mystery of migration from China to the islands of Formosa.Genetic Theory ApproachTheory approach 'Out of Taiwan' seems to be getting stronger after accompanied with proof in the form of genetic compatibility. Genetic research conducted on thousands of chromosomes do not find a match with the patterns of genetic regions in China. These findings certainly quite surprising because they decided the alleged wave of migration which originated in China, including approaches 'Out of Yunan'. In contrast, the genetic pattern match approach strengthened the 'Out of Taiwan "formerly also used as a rationale archeology with linguistics approach.Using a linguistic and genetic research, hence the origin of the Indonesian nation certainly does not come from Yunnan, but is derived from Austronesian peoples who inhabit the islands of Formosa (Taiwan). Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr Marzuki Sangkot reshuffle suggest the view of the origins of the Indonesian nation. From genetics approach produces a variety of views on the pattern of spread of Austronesian peoples.
">Until now still done in-depth studies to strengthen the prediction through the linguistic approach on approach 'Out of Taiwan'.
Migration PathsMigration path based approach 'Out of Taiwan' contrary to the approach of 'Out of Yunan'. The 'Out of Yunan' explained Austronesian migration stems from the North towards the Malay peninsula which then spread to eastern Indonesia. The 'Out of Yunan' can be attenuated once traced by the linguistic approach and strengthened by genetic evidence.Based approach 'Out of Taiwan', the migration of the ancestors of Taiwan (Formosa) came first in the northern part of the Philippines around 4500 to 3000 BC. Suspected migration is to secede search for new territory in the South. As a result of this migration later formed a new culture, including the establishment of branches of a language called Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (PMP). The theory of the early migration of Austronesian peoples Formosa presented by David A. Tanudirjo based view linguist Robert Blust that explain the pattern of spread of Austronesian peoples.At a later stage around 3500 to 2000 BC the migration of the community that originally inhabited the Philippines with the aim of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and North Maluku. Migration that ended in North Maluku and then continue their migration around 3000 to 2000 BC leading to the South and East. Migration in the southern part of Nusa Tenggara to the group, while in the east toward the coast of West Papua. West Papua is then they migrate again with the purpose of the Oceania region to reach the Bismarck Islands (Melanesia) around 1500 BC.In the period from 3000 to 2000 BC, migration is also made to the West by those who previously inhabited the Kalimantan and Sulawesi to Java and Sumatra. Furthermore, the move was forwarded to the Malay peninsula down to all regions in Southeast Asia. The migration process repeatedly and spent thousands of years not only establish a new cultural diversity, but also the narrative patterns (language) new.CoverThe theory of the origins of the Indonesian nation with the approach of 'Out of Taiwan' is currently the most support for the theory with linguistic and genetic evidence. The similarity of the pattern of the Megalithic culture can only explain cultural variation patterns, but has not been able to explain the first migration flows. The 'Out of Taiwan' was not without loopholes. As stated by Prof. Dr Sangkot Marzuki, theories about the existence of Austronesian peoples by genetics approach is still diverse and not come to fruition.If asked motif tribes when it was to merge into Homeland is not solely based on the equation of fate. The similarity of ancestral origin is possible for the underlying desire to reunite into a nation. The arrival of European colonial clicking causes the plot area tribes in the spread of Austronesian became politically separated from one another. Not surprisingly, when the historical record Majapahit and Sriwijaya region claim the archipelago as Austronesian territory.The story of the history of the origins of the Indonesian people actually still not fully revealed. The latest findings from Prof. Dr Sangkot Marzuki stated even if the spread of the nation with the Austronesian languages ​​originated from the Sunda region (West Java). We should bear a thought or a new theory on the origin of the Indonesian nation be re-examined. For the beginning, at least by freeing first understand 'Out of Yunan'.Although not yet found evidence conclusively genetics, Austronesian tribes that occupy the archipelagoes of Formosa (Taiwan) allegedly migrated from the North region (China). The Austronesian languages ​​and language families in Southeast Asia is the language phylum Austrik. Judging from the linguistic kinship (phylum hypothesis Austrik), all languages ​​in the territory of China Southern has proximity (kinship) with clumps Austrik language. If you want pulled the red thread, then the racial discrimination need not occur in this country. By understanding the past history itself, at least of this nation would be more prudent in giving attitude.

Indonesia is a nation antisejarah, always kill timeher. The past is not a part of her, but the history of the "other".This nation has been fragmented in mind.National consciousness in Indonesia were chipped leaders. Eachleaders build power by dropping the "enemy"replaces. Our modern history is the history of anti.nation tripIndonesian revolution period, 1945-1949, has been colored by the conflict betweenpro republican unitary state and the federal moreIndonesia agreed to a federal state, namely the United States of Indonesia.For a while, the republicans won the war mind-unity.However, after the Round Table Conference in The Hague in 1949, themanaged to sink the federal unitary state. Indonesiabecame the Republic of Indonesia (RIS).RIS age of just eight months, the last date of August 17, 1950 Indonesiareturn to a unitary state with a Constitution meantime. Inhere the fight between the liberals and the federal stateunity takes place. Liberal period guarantee freedom of the individual, andmany emerging party. Then, the sheet-like era electionsReform, more than a hundred party. That this nation, ifgiven freedom, delirious. All parties want to win themselvescontrol Indonesia, as evidenced by the results of the Constituent dead lockThe first election (1955).Stalemate Agency Constituent rated endanger the nation andcountry. Thus, the President issued DecreePresident in 1959, dating back to the '45 Constitution and Pancasila. startthis year the republicans win-unity, and began theGuided Democracy government is very anti-liberalism. Forguided democracy, all of which smelled liberal destroyed. Historydeleted. The past is not part of the present. Indonesian history beginswith the new age, the age of "unfinished revolution".Antimasa then guided democracy shown by imprisoningsupporters of the liberals. Liberal products, music ngak ngik ngok,banned. Young people who are infatuated The Beatles, who wasnge-top forced to listen to LPs in the warehouse. Bung Karnocalling for a "return to the national identity". Indonesiahave to "stand on its own feet". "Everything smelled the West,flooding in the liberal period, prohibited from entering Indonesia ". BooksWest is a luxury for the supporters of the liberals. Instead,books "East" of the Soviet Union and China for sale in storesIndonesian book.Single truth Guided Democracy was toppled in 1966,New Order was replaced. History repeats itself. New Order hate everythingsmelled the Old Order. Millions of books indoctrination Political Manifesto Old Ordervanished from homes Indonesia. The communists to grandchildrenwhich is accused of supporting the Old Order eradicated. Soviet books and PRCdisappeared from bookstores.Now comes the time of the Reformation, the holder of a single truth overthrowfor 32 years, the same time frame with the reignsMataram, Sultan Agung. We see the same hatred. everythingNew Order smelled destroyed. We still tempered antisejarah,ahistorical.Actually Reformation history still follows the character of the leadersprevious. The president who "ousted" deemed never existedon Indonesian soil. All have to start from new.Connection old dynastyThen, the people of Indonesia belongs to whom? Country and this nation belongswho? The rulers of modern Indonesia is no different than the kings whowe read in the book of history and chronicle. The character of the kings of oldlike the leaders of the modern nation. Each locker power meansreplace dynasty. The new dynasty always remove and disfigureprevious dynasties. The new Babad be rewritten based versionThe new dynasty ruled.Indonesia's modern history was only the historical connectionold dynasty. We never become modern. Today do notmore than Majapahit Mataram big and large, the people who alwaysantisejarah because history belongs to the ruler. Zaman ruledAnother ruler not its history. Always antimasa ago.Temperament the Indonesian authorities were very clear antisejarahreflected in the replacement of the names of buildings, departments, institutions,field, even the name of the city and the island, is replaced by the rulernew. History of the names in Indonesia is the Indonesian historyown. Understandably, each ruler tastes different.Consider the old messages happenings historical significance of the Sundanese people.Galunggung mandate is written in script Sunda Sundaneselong, contained in Kropak 632 in the National Museum, known asCiburuy Kabuyutan mandate. It reads: There used to exist now. if you do notNo advance will not be there now. Because there is the past then there is a futurenow.
">If none of the past would not exist today.Read the mandate, Indonesia had never existed. Contemporary Indonesiano because there is no past modern Indonesia. EveryIndonesian government has always put themselves as "futurenow ", and then removed his successors also built her presentown.If we never appreciate the past, always antipemerintahanpreviously, always remove the previous government, how futurethen rewarded? Thus, modern Indonesia never have a past, toodo not have today. The present is the result of the past. The rulersnever read the history of the law of causality, busy hostile,dismantle, eliminate, any new one through.If you do not have today, where we are? We live in a time where?Never never Land Indonesia is not hanging in the airin the story of Peter Pan. Our reality is the earth-land, hasunity of history, tied to the law of causality. Indonesia belongstogether, right or wrong, friend or foe. Kumbakarna precedeLord Palmerston who said: true or false I will defendmy country."Kiai Semar, jungle gung Liwang liwung what's his name?" SaidArjuna to Semar. Thread Semar, this haunted forest there is no name.Do not be afraid, because there I was, Kyai Semar. Jungle whose armaturewas named Indonesia, inhabited by giant man-eating. Thatsaid sahibul saga.2 Comments2 thoughts on "the origin of Indonesia"

May 9, 2012

Wow nice info about the origins of our nation. But there are some other evidence such as the following:

not Sundanese (West Java) but Sundaland. In the map of yore before the ice melts (10000 years ago) in which Indonesia is still incorporated into the mainland, Indonesia called the Sundaland. Taiwannya not people who come to Indonesia but Indonesian people who went to Taiwan. Because the age of 10 thousand years ago the world was still covered with ice except Indonesia because in the Equator. Taiwan was also the ice, there is no human.

As soon as the ice melts (melt because in Indonesia occurred volcanoes, Indonesia impassable mountain ranges ring of fire, the ash is causing the ice to melt, this eruption was so great to cause a world filled night for a month (because the sun is covered in ash), see the history of Mount Krakatau ancient (No krakatau ancient, Krakatoa Dutch era, and the child of Krakatoa), see the history of Mount Tambora well, etc.

With the eruption of the volcano moved his people spread throughout the world and are used to the ice-covered land becomes covered with ice. Along with the Indonesian archipelago split into what it is today. See equation Indonesian culture with the culture of ancient Egypt and ancient India. See the note book of ancient Egypt (Book of Mormon) and ancient India which is also the name of Indonesia. See also Prof. Ralph Olssen research on the relationship of genes descendants of the Malay with the children of Israel,

Remember wajakensis ancient man who was the oldest in the world. Has never been found again the ancient people who are older than early humans wajakensis
